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How to get mud out of a jeep? | off road jeep interior cleaning guide

Are you gone mud crawling with your jeep without a top? Or doors off ? Then this article is going to be very useful for you.

Wheeling on mud without a top and doors gives a lot of fun. But how to clean pounds of mud drying like a nice cake on the back?  How to clean the mud sprays on seats, dashboard, speakers and carpets?

This may be a huge headache to you right now.  Don’t worry buddy. Let’s do it. Washing and cleaning the jeep is also a major part of off-roading.

So I’ll give you a few tips that I’m using, when I get those badges of honour Below you can find a summary of this guide

Clean mud in the jeep as follows.
Pull out carpets and clean them first. Then pull drain plugs out and hose the floor.

After that Clean mud out of jeep seats according to steps below in the guide.

Clean dashboards and other interior plastics. Cover the dashboard when hosing. Don’t wet the interior electronic parts when washing.


Make sure not to wet electronic parts of the jeep any time !!

As the first tip I tell you this because this is very important. Even if you can do off-roading with the top down, that doesn’t mean your interior electronics are waterproof.

So never ever wet those areas. It will cause serious damages to the computer systems(if any) , radios , fuse boxes and gauges etc. So be cautious.

Cover the dashboard when hosing

As I mentioned under 1st tip, for the safety of the electronics of your jeep you can cover off your dashboard with a waterproof cover at first, before starting the cleaning process.

Pull out carpets and clean them first.

Pull out the carpets and wash them scrubbing with a brush. For that you can use even a garden hose.

If you have a pressure washer this purpose will be easy. Scrub with a brush and use shampoo to take off the mud and wash well. Then keep them to dry out under sunlight.

Pull drain plugs out and hose.

After covering the steering column, pull the drain plugs out the tub and hose it carefully.

You can clean all the mud this way without any problem. Then you can dry out well with air drying or with help of sunlight.

Clean mud out of jeep seats.

This is going to be a somewhat tough part if your jeep doesn’t have water proof seats. If they are waterproof it’s not a big deal.

You can directly hose them with some gentle scrub with a detergent. Mud will clean out easily

But if your seats are not waterproof, then you have to do some extra work to clean them.

According to my experiences there are two ways you can do this.

If there are any other methods that work for you, I appreciate if you can comment them below !!

Let it dry and then brush them off

This will depend on the amount of mud and type of mud stained on the seats.

Use some common sense and decide whether this will work for your case. If there is less mud on the seats let them dry and brush them well.

You can use a vacuum cleaner also if you have.  Try to clean as much as possible.

After that you can wipe the seats with a wet cloth and clean the rest.

Hose them and dry well

You can wash them well with a hose and clean the mud. But make sure to dry thoroughly. Otherwise it may cause stink from the seats.

You can remove the top off and dry with direct sunlight or remove the seats and keep them under direct sunlight.

Dry them very well. But be aware about rusting of the seat rails by water. You can apply a lubricant to prevent from rusting.

Clean dashboards and other interior plastics

For this purpose I use a bottle of  Armor all cleaner, brush and a piece of damp cloth.

If there are mud clots on the dashboard remove them and then spray the cleaner.

Let it sit there for a minute or two and wipe well. It will clean your dashboard.

If you want you can use some product for the shine of the dashboard. Do this for other plastic parts and seat belts also.

In this short article I just give you some tips that I use to clean my jeeps interior after mudding.

You can check out my detailed article on how to clean your jeep after mudding.

There I describe how to clean your jeeps undercarriage and body properly in depth. To read it Click here.

If you think thus guide may helpful for some one, share this with them. You just have to hit a share button below.

Have fun and safe off-roading !!  

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